0 a pessoa gosta disso. Polub!

martynaachmura martynaachmura

Estou usando o VocApp desde2005dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp126dias, incluindo sistematicamente0dias. Eu sou o autor33conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2025-01-22 11:56:31.

Meus interesses


As fichas que fiz

people live
Science and technology
home sweet home
time to learn
just the job
Consumer society
a new look
It’s just a game
On the go
Eat, drink and be healthy
planet Earth
good health
Entertain me
phrasal verbs
modern society
live and learn
live and learn part 2
human nature
human nature part 2
cechy charakteru i uczucia/emocje
Living spaces
living spaces 2
shopping around
shopping around 2
off to work 2
a matter of fact
a matter of fact 2
It’s nor rocket science
It’s not rocket science
costing the earth
costing the earth 2

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