1 a pessoa gosta disso. Polub!

Agatka Agatka

Estou usando o VocApp desde5343dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp19dias, incluindo sistematicamente0dias. Eu sou o autor17conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2017-03-12 23:32:34.

As fichas que fiz

1) Types of school and people in a school
2) The school building
3) Going to/ leaving/ finishing school
Mikroekonomia: ekonomia a gospodarka
Mikroekonomia: elastyczność popytu i podaży
makroekaonomia - pojęcia angielskie, słownictwo podstawowe
słownictwo z tekstu: Swiss candidate's platform: PowerPoint (CNN)
Słownictwo z tekstu: Why the ECB must continue to buy time after Italy's downgrade (CNN)
Słownictwo z tekstu: How the euro became a broken dream (CNN)
Intelligent Business Intermediate Coursebook unit 1
Titles of job
Intelligent Business Intermediate Coursebook unit 2
Intelligent Business Intermediate Coursebook unit 2
Intelligent Business Intermediate Coursebook unit 4
Makroekonomia Begg
Unit 6 Marketing

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