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Estou usando o VocApp desde2087dias. Estou aprendendo com o VocApp156dias, incluindo sistematicamente0dias. Eu sou o autor52conjuntos. A última vez que você pode me ver2024-04-08 17:41:53.

Meus interesses

inglês, espanhol

As fichas que fiz

irregular past forms
inside the body
irregular verbs
english to go
English to go
Moja lekcja
Czasowniki nieregularne
Adam - lekcja - 2
Unit 4 - Grammar
Unit 5 - Karol - In the street
Unit 5 - Karol - Phrases with get
Unit 5 - Karol - Clothes
Unit 5 - Karol - Telling stories
Unit 5 - Karol - Houses
Unit 5 - Karol - English to go
Unit 5 - Karol - Grammar
Adam - lekcja - 3
Adam - lekcja - 1
Unit 6 - Karol - Irregular verbs (4)
Unit 6 - Karol - Irregular past forms
Unit 6 - Karol - Weather
Unit 6 - Karol - Feelings and emotions
Unit 6 - Karol - Inventions
Unit 6 - Karol - Grammar - Past Simple
Unit 6 - Karol - Grammar - Past Continuous
Unit 6 - Karol - Grammar - Past Continuous + Past Simple
Unit 6 - Karol - Grammar - słówko when w Past Simple i Past Continuous.
Unit 6 - Karol - English to go I
Unit 6 - Karol - English to go II
Unit 7 - Karol - Life events - zyciowe wydarzenia
Unit 7 - Karol - Adjectives describing food - przymiotniki opisujace jedzenie
Unit 7 - Karol - At a funfair - w wesolym miasteczku
Unit 7 - Karol - On the table - na stole
Unit 7 - Karol - Customs - zwyczaje
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - will (= 'll)
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - won't (= will not)
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - question - pytanie (will)
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - answer - odpowiedz (will, won't)
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - question - pytanie (Where, When)
Unit 7 - Karol - English to go
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - Should, shouldn't
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - question - pytanie (should)
Unit 7 - Karol - Grammar - question - pytanie (should - what, when)
Adam - leckcja - 4
Adam - lekcja 4 - jednostki
Karol - Hiszpański - 1
Karol - Angielski - Klasa 7 - Unit 1 - Grammar - Present simple
Karol - Angielski - Klasa 7 - Unit 1 - Grammar - Present continuous

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