Top 500 verbi inglesi 226-250

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questão resposta
L'autore compose la sua prima opera a dieci anni.
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To compose
The author composed his first story when he was 10 years old.
anche: ospitare
Quale psese accoglierà i prossimi giochi Olimpici?
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To host
Which country is hosting the next Olympic Games?
anche: affaticare
Questo lavoro mi stanca veramente.
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To tire
also: wear out
This work really tires me.
Due cucchiaiate di zucchero basteranno.
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To suffice
be enough
Two spoonfuls of sugar will be enough.
anche: comportarsi in un certo modo con qualcuno
Ha trattato male sua madre.
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To treat
He treats his mother badly.
Ha battuto il pugno sulla scrivania per cercare di far valere il suo punto di vista.
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To beat
He beat the desk with his fist to try to get his point across.
anche: riguardare
E'un problema che concerne tutti quanti.
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To concern
This is an issue that concerns everyone.
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