Top 500 angļu valodas darbības vārdi 201 - 250

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questão resposta
Vai jūs nevarētu palīdzēt man sapulcē?
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to assist
Would you mind assisting me at the meeting?
Pēteris šodien dīvaini uzvedas.
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to act
Peter is acting strange today.
Aiztaisi durvis!
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to close
Close the door!
nestāsta taisnību
Es nojaušu, ka viņš melo.
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to lie
not tell the truth
I suspect he may be lying.
parādīt nodiluma pazīmes
Paklājs sākā nodilt, jo tas tika bieži izmantots.
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to wear
show signs of being thoroughly used
The carpet started to wear from constant using.
Organizācija uzsāka protestu, lai aizstāvētu mežu.
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to start
The organization started a protest to defend the forest.
Kā jūs varat skatīties televizoru visu dienu?
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to watch
How can you watch TV all day?
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