Pavisam vienkārša gramatika - Extremely simplified grammar

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Vienkāršā tagadne - Viņš, viņa, tas darbības vārdam beigās pievieno burtu -s.
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Present Simple: He, she, it + verb with -s (runs, works, eats etc.). You, we, they, I + verb (run, talk, eat, work etc.)
Vārda ir izmantošana atšķiras daudzskaitlī un vienskaitlī.
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In Present Simple tenses verb to be changes to "am", "is" or "are". "Am" is only used when talking about the first person in the singular. We use "is" when we talk about he, she, it and "are" when we talk about we, you, them.
I am a hero. You are tall. He is a nice person. She is my friend. It is raining again. We are a family. They are colleagues. You are my best friends.
Vienkāršā pagātne - izmanto runājot par darbību pagātnē.
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Past Simple - verb + ed (worked, started, phoned etc.), while some words have exceptions (eat -ate, buy - bought, see - saw etc.)
"A" un "an" ir nenoteiktais artikuls, kuru izmanto pirms saskaitāmiem lietvārdiem vienskaitlī. "The" ir noteiktais artikuls, kuru izmanto runājot par iepriekš minētām vai noteiktiem lietvārdiem.
Ja lietvārdam pirmais burts ir A, E, I vai O, tad jāizmanto nenoteiktais artikuls "an".
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Indefinite articles are "a" or "an", but definite is "the". We use "a" and "an" talking about general nouns in singular. We use "the" talking about specific nouns.
I have a cat. I eat an apple. There is a crocodile in the zoo. The crocodile looks old.
Ilgstošā tagadne - izmanto izmanto runajot par darbību, kas notiek tajā pašā laikā.
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Present Continuous: verb + ing (running, playing, trying etc.)
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