Certainly there are downsides to leadership by coercion and force.
He is the leadership of the crew.
To be a director you need good leadership skills.
Moral leadership is more powerful than any weapon.
The British would need strong leadership.
Lincoln is admired because of his leadership.
Who has leadership?
Changes of leadership have a great effect on the international political economy.
The teacher may say nothing, grading the students on how much they participate, what they add to the discussion, and their leadership of it.
Leadership by coercion would not produce the results we see.
Speaking with reporters in Montreal, Canada, Walesa says the change of leadership in East Germany came about because the old guard leaders missed the train of history.
You must act under the leadership of your supervisor.
His leadership skills needed a lot of improvement.
The leadership makes all important decisions.
Inglês palavra "руководство"(leadership) ocorre em conjuntos:
1000 most important Russian nouns 851 - 900англ слова из подготовки2.
For further guidance contact us.
It would be presumptuous to call myself his replacement, but I could offer some guidance.
Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor.
Just getting one-to-one guidance was enough to make it an extremely fulfilling practise session.
The committee would like me to have someone to whom I can direct questions or go to for guidance about the city and its resources; I believe, therefore, that you would be a very good match.
The robot's guidance system has gone haywire. It keeps bumping into walls.
Depending on the results both companies may be put under administrative guidance from February.
The widespread application of administrative guidance is considered to be a uniquely Japanese practice in which bureaucrats exert authority, without any legal backing, telling the private sector what to do and what not to do.
He's got a career guidance meeting. So today it's just me and you.
What little guidance I had I owe to a young man.
I need some guidance on which university course I should choose.
Could you give me some guidance as to how to proceed?
Jason has made a lot of improvement under the guidance of his new coach
Medical health experts often turn to the manual for guidance.
Inglês palavra "руководство"(guidance) ocorre em conjuntos:
artykół 1/czy ludzi gotowi do genetykiТехнический английский - контрольнаяBBC Same time Same weather8.04.2024 - Start3.
Zac learnt to play the guitar from a do-it-yourself manual he bought at a book shop.
The manual they asked him to read was two inches thick.
There are two kinds of work in the world--head work and hand work; mental and manual.
Manual labor is necessary in this company.
The operation of a computer keyboard requires less effort than that of a manual typewriter.
I need a training manual on how to bring up children.
Have you seen the computer manual? I can't work out how to set it up.
manual work
If you don't know how it works you should refer to the manual.
We need mental skills, not manual ones.
Just reading a computer manual is like practicing swimming on dry land.
I am seeking a person who can write a personal computer manual.
Which was because I didn't follow the directions in the manual or learn their lessons.
A qipao in the traditional style is made entirely by hand and requires labour-intensive manual tailoring techniques to enhance and exhibit every unique female form.
People in manual occupations have a lower life expectancy.
I went with them so that I could guide them around Nagasaki.
Guide dogs help blind people.
Refer to the Users' Guide if you have any problems.
guided tour
It is not too much to say that a man's interests are a sure guide to the real man.
Please look up the first train to London in the railway guide.
My boss has been trumpeting the virtues of yet another runaway bestselling managerial strategy guide.
Custom, then, is the great guide of human life.
Abu al-Husayn ibn al-Rawandi, already in the ninth century, held that reason is man's exclusive guide to truth, a quest in which revelation is of no help.
Christopher Columbus's "The Idiot's Guide to Killing a Shark Barehanded" and "The Twenty Ways to Strangle a Giant Squid" both went on to become bestsellers.
Crossing guards are posted during school hours to guide children safely across busy streets.
The travellers need someone to guide them through the unfamiliar jungle.
Coleen is visually-impaired and her dog Spot is her guide when they go out.
a book that gives information about something or tells you how to do something; "a hotel/restaurant guide, a user's guide"
The Bible, as a revelation from God, was not designed to give us all the information we might desire, nor to solve all the questions about which the human soul is perplexed, but to impart enough to be a safe guide to the haven of eternal rest.
Inglês palavra "руководство"(guide) ocorre em conjuntos:
1000 most important Russian nouns 751 - 800