dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

zleceniodawca inglês:

1. principal

Today, automobiles have taken the place of horses as the principal means of transportation.
principal reason
The principal called him to account for being absent without an excuse.
The organization plays a principal role in wildlife conservation.
The principal cause of death in refugee camps is the lack of nourishment.
He said that their principal would go there the next day.
This is an interesting case where there is no principal determining element.
The definition of principal is the first or highest in importance. An example of a principal ingredient is flour in bread.
My principal is Mrs Lidia Kącala.
Diana kept missing lessons, so the school principal telephoned her parents.
That was my principal reason for moving.
The instalment for my loan is $110 a month. $100 goes toward paying off the principal and the $10 is for the interest.
The principal severely reproved the students whenever they made a mess in the hallway.
The principal made a rule for the purpose of giving a good school life to the students.
I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.

Inglês palavra "zleceniodawca"(principal) ocorre em conjuntos:

Business Eng 5 - 8
Jobs in the office

2. ordering party

Inglês palavra "zleceniodawca"(ordering party) ocorre em conjuntos:

środki transportu

3. employer

His employer dismissed him yesterday.
His employer was sincerely grateful for his cooperation.
The job applicant did not meet the expectations of the employer.
My employer is a young, well-educated woman.
He was zealous in satisfying his employer.
No one dares to contradict his employer for fear of being fired.
Our employer will not give way to our demands for higher wages.
They negotiate with their employer about their wages.
And that's why for almost a hundred years, any employee has been able to go to his employer and insist on being paid in cash.
An employer is a person or company who employs other people.
Who is you direct employer?
They're very good employers
Most employers don’t pay their workers very well in Greece.
icalEcobusiness is an important international growth sector and a major employer.
We need a reference from your former employer.

Inglês palavra "zleceniodawca"(employer) ocorre em conjuntos:

cement ożarów

4. client

A good lawyer would leave no stone unturned in his efforts to defend his client.
He tried to imagine what the client was like.
The lawyer represented his client at the meeting.
What's your favorite email client?
When Tobita gives a plan his seal of approval, the client accepts it at first glance.
All those tricks he's got up his sleeve make him a formidable client.
The client talked with the lawyer.
But I have an appointment with my client tomorrow.
The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.
She advises clients on their investments.
The client is responsible for ensuring that health and safety at work are given equal attention during the preparatory stage of the project and that the principles of occupational health and safety are included in planning
A client receives a service from a professional person.
Dino would never say no to a client’s request.
Internet allows a personalized experience to clients.

Inglês palavra "zleceniodawca"(client) ocorre em conjuntos:

gospodarka nieruchomościami
ang zawodowy