dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

zaprzestać inglês:

1. discontinue

We need to discontinue our policy.

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(discontinue) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "The Hero" (Elaine Wilber)
Fiszki z książki - "I Run with the Fox" (Mona Gould)
Fiszki z książki - "Little Brother" (Cory Doctorow)
Fiszki z książki - "The Statute of Anne" (Anno Oct...
Fiszki z książki - "The Lonely Ones" (Edward W. Lu...

2. cease

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Please cease from quarreling.
A small number of firms have ceased trading.
news from the elven lands ceased coming through
Spread the table, and contention will cease.
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.
I demand that you cease and desist from sending unsolicited emails.
When drag again equals thrust, the airplane ceases to accelerate and maintains a constant airspeed.
According to their orders, we must cease construction of the project immediately.
The employer and the employee conclude a contract prohibiting competition after the employment relationship has ceased.
Then he was on his feet, and all talk ceased.
If we don’t get more money, community theatre will cease to exist here.
When you get old you cease to care what other people think.
Removing Palestine from the map doesn't mean it ceases to exist.
1. Cease trying to do more than you can. 2. The whispering ceased when the curtain went up.

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(cease) ocorre em conjuntos:

Why beauty matters? Roger Scruton
Principles of Flight - Section B - Four Forces of ...
Verbs followed by infinitive
Ready for FCE - Unit 8
SPEAK UP unit 65-1

3. desist

They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign.
His attorney has sent cease-and-desist letters to Bannon and to the publisher.

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(desist) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "The Mermaid's Prophecy and Oth...
ang matura 1
Moja pierwsza lekcja

4. give up something

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(give up something) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielski 3 cz.2
I am nothing

5. give up

Don't give up!
I give up. What’s the answer?
Some people never give up. They fight till the end.
Never give up! / Natalie has given up the idea of becoming a super star. / Rodney, you can't give up. / I gave up taking sugar in tea and coffee to lose weight. / Sarah gave up smoking five years ago.
Darren has decided to give up football at the end of this season.
We give up two to three hours of our time and we don't get paid.
I give up, I can't do this
The song "Don't give up" is the best song ever for me.
I worked too much on this project to give up now. I always tell my daughter to never give up on her dreams.
I give up, I can't do this. / She gave up her English lessons after the first semester.
You'll never guess the answer - do you give up?
She gave up her English lessons after the first semester. We should not give up trying. After the accident, he gave up work.
A child is ulikely to sacrifice (give up) anything for a friend.
stop doing sth/Never give up learning English!
What might you give up when you go on a diet?

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(give up) ocorre em conjuntos:

Starland 2 - Unit 3
Angielski- budowa skóry

6. leave off

I've decided to leave off eating meat for a while.
Will you ever leave off that stupid habit?

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(leave off) ocorre em conjuntos:

czasownik czasownik ING
random words vision 5
filmy (24/8)

7. deny

Don't deny!
The main point of Dennett's book, in short, is to deny the existence of inner mental states.
However, the singer does not deny her ancestry.
We should deny our children things too sweet.
That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.
Yes, I was there. I don't deny it.
Jim denied drinking during the party. I cannot deny that he made me angry.
I don't deny/ I not denying taking the books but Andy said it would by okay
If somebody accused me of something I didn't do, I'd deny the accusation
"they deny any responsibility for the tragedy"
The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports. He never denied that he said those things.
Together they deny him and his people a place in history.
With all of these flying contraptions zipping around, it's hard to deny that they seem awfully reminiscent of regular old remote‐control helicopters and planes.
They had evidence that she killed him, so she couldn't deny it.
Don’t deny committing this crime – everybody knows you are guilty.

Inglês palavra "zaprzestać"(deny) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielski unit 7 słówka
Słówka październik
to infinitive