dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

zaprezentować inglês:

1. to showcase to showcase

It allows us to showcase our new products.
to showcase= to exhibit or display

Inglês palavra "zaprezentować"(to showcase) ocorre em conjuntos:

Week 5 Level 3
business english
L18 taking selfies
Chocolate Putin
Słówka 8-14.01

2. present present

I'm present.
Falling rocks present a danger to climbers.
A few years ago, on Mother's Day, I gave my stepmother a locket as a present.
Plenty of opportunities will present themselves, if only you are awake to them.
At present he lives by himself and the rest of the world means nothing to him.
The old lady made her a present of it and insisted she should have it.
Even if you know the truth, you had better pretend otherwise at present.
The most severe problem at present is that of over-population.
The present housing policy is likely to come up against considerable opposition.
First, we will present a petition to the mayor and collect signatures.
Our present house is too small, so we decided to move.
When he returned, he brought a baseball cap and gave it as a present to his friend.
A present is usually given in return for one's hospitality.
At present, we have 1,600 students at our school.
In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the present state of affairs.

Inglês palavra "zaprezentować"(present) ocorre em conjuntos:

UNIT 1.35 - Discussions 2
UNIT 1.23 - Numbers
Block 1 Getting started
03 - marketing Fair
Discussions 2

3. demonstrate demonstrate

I'll demonstrate how this machine works.
I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious!
You should make the most of this rare opportunity to demonstrate your talent.
He went on to demonstrate how to use the machine.
I’ll demonstrate how to use this new coffee machine.
Can you please demonstrate this app for me?
Can the Commission demonstrate whether liberalisation has affected safety?
Let me demonstrate to you how properly use the lawnmower.
Thousands of people gathered to demonstrate against the new proposals.
Every time a failure like that occurs in another department, I'm tempted to call them idiots, but then people like you come along to demonstrate what true idiocy looks like.
Fascism and communism as they were realised demonstrate two faces of the same monster.
These diagrams demonstrate different possible approaches to job seeking.
These things are much better spoken about face to face so that we can draw diagrams and demonstrate timings on logic analyzers and oscilloscopes where necessary.

4. put forward

He put forward a new plan to help decrease unemployment.
We are going to put forward a claim for damages.
None of the ideas that I put forward have been accepted
put forward ideas
The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.
put forward a new plan, = submit
During meetings people often put forward ideas.
The solution put forward by Mr Fletcher seems to be reasonable.
Mr Adams is going to put forward some interesting suggestions on how to improve our work.
A new theory has been put forward by the scientists.
Do you mind if we put forward the starting time an hour, and make it 9 o'clock instead of 10?
For that reason I think that we have to put forward a bolder proposal.
propose/He put forward two names wn in his diarfor the committee to consider.
These were the arguments which Carson put forward...
Oprah put forward a book which she had read and enjoyed and discussed it on the programme.

Inglês palavra "zaprezentować"(put forward) ocorre em conjuntos:

chemia dział 3

5. demo

Inglês palavra "zaprezentować"(demo) ocorre em conjuntos:

Unit 2 Ted Talk
My perspectives 4 unit 2