dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

wytworzyć inglês:

1. produce produce

Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it.
Farmers produce crops.
If you are a member of a primitive community and wish to produce food, for example, there are two things you must do.
A black panther can be a jaguar or leopard, but in either case it has a gene that causes it to produce more melanin than other specimens.
The lighting was set up to have the intensity controlled by one knob so you could produce the brightness as you want.
For many years I thought that it was beauty alone that gave significance to life and that the only purpose that could be assigned to the generations that succeed one another on the face of this crowded earth was to produce an artist now and then.
82% - more than four-fifths - of the island's exports is agricultural produce.
Such telling effects of contrast as Japanese artists produce by use of empty space.
An ardent affection for the human race makes enthusiastic characters eager to produce alteration in laws and governments prematurely.
Mrs Cockburn concealed her name lest the knowledge of her sex and youth should produce a prejudice against her work.
As a general rule, it's simple to criticize, but difficult to produce alternative suggestions.
Tatoeba gave Imogen of the Internet a fascinating opportunity to compulsively produce a series of extremely short stories.
Desktop publishing lets you produce books quickly and cheaply. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.

Inglês palavra "wytworzyć"(produce) ocorre em conjuntos:

Nauka i technika (Unit 9)
Nauka i technika
8.9 praca naukowa
nauka i technika
Praca naukowa

2. prepared prepared

He prepared his lessons.
Some residents took a wait-and-see attitude while others prepared for heavy flooding.
We enjoyed the dinner my mother prepared.
If you're not prepared to take the trouble to learn how to train a dog, don't get one.
About today's packed-lunch, the menus prepared by Itsuki and Tanaka are low in beta-carotene-rich vegetables again aren't they?
So many tasty foods can be prepared with eggplants!
He who has friends for dinner, but takes no care in the meal that he has prepared for them is not worthy of having friends.
If you go drinking with Tom, be prepared to listen to some pretty outlandish cock and bull stories.
We would be prepared to grant you a special discount of 5% for the quantity of 10 sets of STL#3456.
On the way we dropped in at the shops and bought foodstuffs. They say well prepared means no worries.
They were prepared for the worst. The spokesperson read a prepared statement.
I continued buying prepared dishes even after I went to middle school.
I hope you're prepared to communicate under these conditions, because e-mail is most effective and convenient when different time zones are taken into consideration.
In order to give him a surprise on his birthday, I prepared a fantastic cake.

Inglês palavra "wytworzyć"(prepared) ocorre em conjuntos:

nauka I technika cz 2
nauka i technika
Angielski dodatkowy

3. generate generate

An electric current can generate magnetism.
The new development will generate 1,500 new jobs.
I didn’t think the competition would generate this amount of media attention.
generate electricity
What resources do we have, at the present time, to generate knowledge?
You should let a computer program generate your passwords for you.
With this module you can make the Enter key generate an event.
Does bump mapping generate more graphics load than parallax?
The wind farm may be able to generate enough electicity for 2,000 homes.
He generates ideas that we all should consider
Trains used to burn coal to generate power to move.
To generate is defined as to produce, create or cause to be. An example of to generate is turning on a heater, making a room warm.
Well, the right to smoke or not smoke generates passionate debates
But can they really generate enough energy to power a car?
Hedgehog of curses, generate a part of the game of disgraces to the Finns.

Inglês palavra "wytworzyć"(generate) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielskie dupsko psa (2a, 2b slowka)

4. manufactured manufactured

The dishes were manufactured in Taiwan.
Imogen of the Internet has a habit of paying fifty dollars for clothes that are manufactured to look like five-dollar hand-me-downs.
These automobiles, for the most part, are manufactured in Japan.
Japan's import of manufactured goods has increased considerably.
Manufactured imports into Japan have increased considerably.
Detailed design is the work of drawing up a diagram that is capable of being manufactured from the plan set in the baseline design.

Inglês palavra "wytworzyć"(manufactured) ocorre em conjuntos:

sprawdzian 2