dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

wyjść z kimś inglês:

1. go out with sb go out with sb

Inglês palavra "wyjść z kimś"(go out with sb) ocorre em conjuntos:

Christmas Monsters & Phrasal Verbs
Christmas Monsters & Phrasal Verbs
Christmas Monsters & Phrasal Verbs
Czasowniki frazowe (phrasal verbs)
słówka rozdział 1-4 ang-pl

2. go out with go out with

I go out with friends once a week.

Inglês palavra "wyjść z kimś"(go out with) ocorre em conjuntos:

people and behaviour
smash 3 unit 1
Phrasal verbs

3. go out with someone go out with someone

Inglês palavra "wyjść z kimś"(go out with someone) ocorre em conjuntos:

4. Coincidences - workbook p. 13
Family and Relationships
słówka - 15.02

4. get out with sb get out with sb

Inglês palavra "wyjść z kimś"(get out with sb) ocorre em conjuntos:

7 dział klasa 8
slowniczek dodatk

5. come out with come out with

Inglês palavra "wyjść z kimś"(come out with) ocorre em conjuntos:

czasowniki frazowe 1