dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

resztki inglês:

1. leftovers

Our mother had no choice but to make dinner with leftovers.
Tom asked Mary to warm up some leftovers.
Those are the leftovers from lunch.
Lots of leftovers remained inside.
Since ski season is almost over, the ski wear that's on sale is all leftovers, so there's nothing that's just my size.
You had better throw away leftovers.

Inglês palavra "resztki"(leftovers) ocorre em conjuntos:

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Express Publishing Matura, Unit 6, Food

2. scraps

The restaurant owner allowed her to take table scraps home to feed all of her dogs.
Tom fed his dog table scraps.
The room was littered with scraps of paper.
Do you think it's a good idea to feed your dog table scraps?
We give all our scraps to our dog.
Deep water fish never see the light and live all their lives from the scraps that come from above.
I'm only reading the scraps on news on the Internet, but, well, I get the general picture.
It still amazes me what she could coax out of table scraps.

Inglês palavra "resztki"(scraps) ocorre em conjuntos:

Technical English 19 20 21

3. remnants

As night fell on Sunday, teams of workers were still clearing debris from the site and searching the charred remnants of buildings.
There were some food remnants in the trash

Inglês palavra "resztki"(remnants) ocorre em conjuntos:

Vocabulary 19
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4. remains

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
Even today, his theory remains practically irrefutable.
remains optional
If you take 3 from 8, 5 remains.
He works as hard as ever, but he remains poor.
He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off.
It remains to be seen whether or not going to America to study is good for me.
Where a painting's general sense seems clear, moreover, the exact decoding of its content remains in doubt.
There are many theories about the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs, but the real cause still remains anyone's guess.
Definition the remains of someone or something are all that is left of them after they have died or been destroyed
What we are discussing today are the sad remains.
Partly because he could not receive enough information, Harper's description remains imperfect.
A dead deer being pecked by vultures, remains partly eaten by other animals, that sort of rotten meat is called 'carrion'.
Adoption for gay and lesbian parents remains a hotly contested issue in the United States.
One can even buy a so-called Religion, which is really but common morality sanctified with flowers and music. Rob the Church of her accessories and what remains behind?

Inglês palavra "resztki"(remains) ocorre em conjuntos:

Różne wszystkie

5. residues

Inglês palavra "resztki"(residues) ocorre em conjuntos:

chemistry basics
2nd Feb 2017

6. remnants of

Inglês palavra "resztki"(remnants of) ocorre em conjuntos:

07: Zakupy i Usługi/ 08: Podróżowanie i Turystyka

7. debris

It's about time I cleaned the debris in my room.
Victims were trying to make their way through the debris
You need to be focused when you remove debris in between your teeth.
Several people were injured by flying debris in the explosion.
Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.
Many could still be buried below the debris.
It took a week to clean up the debris after the explosion
Dawn revealed pools of dried blood, smashed children’s strollers, an uneaten baguette and other debris strewn about the promenade
There is a lot of debris on the construction site.
workmen were clearing the roads of the debris from shattered buildings

Inglês palavra "resztki"(debris) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielski w gabinecie stomatologicznym
English for dentistry - unit 4

8. refuse

She will probably refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him.
Tom didn't have the courage to refuse to do what Mary asked him to do.
Never choose a vocation just because your friends are in it, nor refuse another just because your worst enemy is in it.
Don't refuse me.
Most people will refuse to admit they've made a mistake.
This noise is something which I refuse to put up with.
When Sony came back with a 2 billion bid, CBS could not refuse.
When children are ordered to do a certain thing by such adult standards, they frequently refuse to follow the instructions for no other reason than that they have been told to do so.
1. That's an offer I can't refuse. / 2. You know I can't refuse you anything.
The head teacher refused the students permission to have a party in the school hall.
(turn) My neighbour refused ... down the music and I had to call the police.
Even if they refuse, you can take a bottle of good wine with you.
no business will refuse to supply a good customer. she refused a cigarette
His request was refused.
She may well refuse to speak to you because she's in a very bad mood.