dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

przeoczenie inglês:

1. oversight oversight

That was an unacceptable oversight.
If the delay is simply an oversight, will you please take care of it at once?
there had be a high level of constitutional oversight
There is big oversight in that plan.
If an oversight is the reason why you have not paid, please send us the amount due, and let us solve the problem immediately.
... ban on vouchers, federal oversight How do you expect...
Anyone here want to chair the oversight on this program?
An oversight is a mistake you make when you're not paying full attention.
He attributed the underpayment to oversight, not fraud.
What an embarrassing oversight on my part.
I'm sure it was just oversight and not intentional.
I hope that this oversight will not jeopardise the common goal
This was due to oversight when we processed your order.
I've made the mistake due to an oversight.
I suspect that there was an oversight in the examination.

Inglês palavra "przeoczenie"(oversight) ocorre em conjuntos:

Matura Vocabulary Builder – Part 32
Słówka zestaw Tiamat's Wrath 02
Unit 9 - ćwiczenia
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Chris - 2023-05-23

2. overlooking

I liked the room overlooking the valley.
a balcony overlooking the sea
His favourite place was the kitchen overlooking the garden.
What are Americans overlooking?
They set up a tombstone over the grave overlooking the harbor.

Inglês palavra "przeoczenie"(overlooking) ocorre em conjuntos:

jebaca harmtmane