dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

odkładać na potem inglês:

1. leave aside leave aside

Inglês palavra "odkładać na potem"(leave aside) ocorre em conjuntos:

Phrasal verbs - litera L
Phrasal verbs D L

2. put aside put aside

Every week, I put aside some money for a holiday.
I’m going to put aside extra money every month for awesome holidays.
She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her annual holiday.
Do you like to put aside money each month?
She has some money put aside for her old age.
Let's put these problems aside. / It's time to put aside all doubts, Brother. / Put the egos aside for a second, guys, please. / I put aside a little cash for an emergency. / You should take some of your earnings and put it aside for college.

3. put off put off

The concert has been put off.
He put off reading newspapers until the evening.
Don't put off cleaning your room
Can we put off our classes?
The neighbour put off his dreams about his relax with beer.
Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.
We are going to put off celebrating our anniversary until June.
Do you believe in the saying "never put off until tomorrow that which you can do today"?
I get put off by a lot of work
I know a lot of people are put off by it.
Even though he had failed his driving test nine times, John wasn't put off and applied to take it again.
But plenty of people are happy to smoke for years, and put off worrying about the health risks for the future.
procrastinate = To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
He had to put off his dental appointment until the next day because of a business meeting.
The teacher had to put off the class till the following week.

Inglês palavra "odkładać na potem"(put off) ocorre em conjuntos:

advanced unit 1

4. defer

Can we defer our meeting?
can we defer making a decision until next week?
such individuals defer matters of judgment to their own conscience
The two men agreed to defer any action for a couple of days.
He has defered informing him about his mother death
The supplier has agreed to defer the payment for this invoice.
to defer to sb’s wishes
Children deferred to their father's wishes
The payments can be deferred for three months.
They can't defer makind a decision for ever. They have to let us know within two weeks.
I defer making a payment
proper to defer commitment on a solution until we are clear about the intended outcome.
He'll defer to the president-elect on this one.
You should not defer having kids
The company will defer payment for whatever length of time you require.

5. postponing

He said they were postponing it.

Inglês palavra "odkładać na potem"(postponing) ocorre em conjuntos:

under your skin

6. stash

He had a stash of money under the bed.
He didn’t want anyone else to see it and stashed it in his secret hiding place.
The stolen pictures were stashed in an abandoned house.
What do you need this stash for?
Where did you stash my black pants?
The money is stashed away in a bank account.
You'll find some useful gear stashed there
Under this system, a company maintains a stash of gold securely in a bank vault somewhere.

Inglês palavra "odkładać na potem"(stash) ocorre em conjuntos:

Joanna H-słówka