dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

odłożyć inglês:

1. put away put away

Your room is a mess. Can you put away your clothes?
He put away his toys.
put away into pocket
She's putting money away for her holidays. He put away his toys.
The murderer was put away for 10 years.
Please, put away your clothes.
The children put away their books before they went to bed.
Please, put away all the dirty dishes.
We put away money for our retirement. / Be sure to put away some money from each paycheck. / She put away the cereal boxes. / Please put away the dictionary when you've finished using it.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(put away) ocorre em conjuntos:

Lesson - Mastering Small Talk
Lesson - Mastering Small Talk
Lesson - Mastering Small Talk
Lesson - Mastering Small Talk

2. to postpone

I'd like to postpone our meeting.
Would it be possible to postpone the party till next week?
I no longer want to postpone anything in life.
I'm afraid I have to postpone this conference till next month.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(to postpone) ocorre em conjuntos:

słówka z angielskiego maclaz dod4
longman matura rozszerzona Ii
words from Units
Baaarrtek Zal Sta
Wszystkie slowka 13.04

3. put off

The concert has been put off.
He put off reading newspapers until the evening.
Don't put off cleaning your room
Can we put off our classes?
The neighbour put off his dreams about his relax with beer.
Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow.
We are going to put off celebrating our anniversary until June.
Do you believe in the saying "never put off until tomorrow that which you can do today"?
I get put off by a lot of work
I know a lot of people are put off by it.
Even though he had failed his driving test nine times, John wasn't put off and applied to take it again.
But plenty of people are happy to smoke for years, and put off worrying about the health risks for the future.
procrastinate = To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
He had to put off his dental appointment until the next day because of a business meeting.
The teacher had to put off the class till the following week.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(put off) ocorre em conjuntos:

BB, U 6,7 (delivery, processes)
UNIT 8 Job interview
SpeakOut upperintermediate 1-5
Czasowniki frazowe
Nuria - VIII

4. put down

1. Put down the gun! / 2. Cease fire and put down your weapons! / 3. Put down the gun and kick it to me.
put down on a table
The police try to put down rioting at football matches.
The police quickly put down the riots
My dog was old and sick and had to be put down.
Stop writing and put down your pens.
Armed rebels tried to overthrow the government, but the army soon put down the revolt.
I don’t remember where I’ve put down my glasses.
It's pretty hard to put down once you get started.
Put down the gun and kick it to me. / He's a mad dog who needs to be put down.
She had to put down her dog.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(put down) ocorre em conjuntos:

UNIT 4 Cutting Edge Intermediate Student's Book
Angielski - słówka 08
Słownik English File 1
Phrasal verbs J. Ang
Rozdział 6 książka

5. to lay aside

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(to lay aside) ocorre em conjuntos:

Podstawowe Czasowniki Frazowe - Basic Phrasal Verbs
english class a1 u2
matulka 1-12
Słowa z książek

6. put aside

Every week, I put aside some money for a holiday.
I’m going to put aside extra money every month for awesome holidays.
She put aside a small sum every week to pay for her annual holiday.
Do you like to put aside money each month?
She has some money put aside for her old age.
Let's put these problems aside. / It's time to put aside all doubts, Brother. / Put the egos aside for a second, guys, please. / I put aside a little cash for an emergency. / You should take some of your earnings and put it aside for college.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(put aside) ocorre em conjuntos:

2021 - File 2 USEFUL WORDS EN
Powtórzenie przed sprawdzianem
Czasowniki złożone cz. 2
Z życia wzięte
sprawdzian kurwa

7. hang up

I'd like to talk longer, but I'd better hang up. My sister needs to make a call.
Please hang up your coat.
Please, don't hang up, before I tell you everything about my decision.
In this situation, I have to hang up tomorrow's meeting.
To suspend one's clothes. Yes, but there's nowhere to hang up my clothes. Let me hang up your coat so it's not on chair.
Yes, but there's nowhere to hang up my clothes.
If you dialled the wrong number just apologize and hang up.
Don't hang up until you've heard what I want to say
if the line`s engaged hang up and try again
You can hang up your coat in the hallway.
Don't hang up on me.
Please don't hang up.
Why did you hang up on me when I hadn't finished talking?
She hung up on me!... If you dialled the wrong number just apologize and hang up. When on the phone what makes one person sometimes hang up before the other person has stopped speaking?
Ann hung up with anger. / Listen, hang up and dial 911.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(hang up) ocorre em conjuntos:

Matura Repetytorium Module 11
New English File - rozdział 2
clothes and fashion
trudne kartki z zastępstwa

8. set aside

They agreed to set aside their differences and work together for peace.
try to organise your life so that the time set aside for learning coincides with the time when your memory is at its best
I've set aside two hours for this meeting.
save money or reserve a specific time for sth/She set aside 5 hours a week to learn French.
You are in the same team as Ewan so you're going to have to set aside your differences.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(set aside) ocorre em conjuntos:

Szlifuj swój angielski - księgowy angielski
Banking Services

9. set down

Let me put this down on paper so we will have a record of what was said. I will set down this note on paper.
The rules of the club are set down in the members' handbook.

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(set down) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielski rozszerzony

10. to put back

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(to put back) ocorre em conjuntos:

500 najważniejszych czasowników angielskich 75 - 100
phrasal verbs - obowiązkowe z ang.pl + z CAE
czasowniki ważne 4
Phrasal verbs

11. aside

Step aside.
I'm going to lay aside that money for emergencies.
Would you mind standing aside?
Aside from fright, she was not injured.
Sachiko always said: "You'd better set some money aside in case you get sick."
I want you to put the magazines, pamphlets and whatnot aside.
Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire "Columbus Week" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in America.
Please move aside. "Ya wanna make something of it, sonny?"
These problems aside, we think the plan should go ahead.
If i were in the bus, I'd push the driver aside, put my foot on the brake and steer the bus to the side of the road.
But penguins aside, what large resource can be found in Antarctica? That's my question for you today.
So, as an aside, I firmly believe in the field of trying to identify cancer early.
A savings account is one in which you put money aside.
There's no use for plastic supermarket bags aside from putting trash in them.
I would have set aside the day for it if you'd told me ahead of time.

12. to be put off

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(to be put off) ocorre em conjuntos:

STANAG 3333 całość

13. to defer

My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan
my bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan

Inglês palavra "odłożyć"(to defer) ocorre em conjuntos:

czasowniki + -ing

14. put of

15. store away

Now it's time to store away your fur coats for the summer.