dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

nie skrępowany inglês:

1. unfettered unfettered

Having unfettered access to a pistol, which looked like a source of pride, a tool of power, something that would give me the sort of independence, the sort of power, the sort of clout that would help me to somehow look at myself as someone that had m
Today, 20 more Republicans took a stand against unfettered free trade.
in unfettered markets
Poets are unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.; The law gives the governor unfettered discretion to make these appointments.
if u describe sth as unfettered u mean that it’s not controlled or limited by anyone or anything

Inglês palavra "nie skrępowany"(unfettered) ocorre em conjuntos:

satanic temple/panic
Słówka zestaw 06
Z książki o JS
Innovation pt 2