dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

na rzecz kogoś inglês:

1. in favour of sb

Inglês palavra "na rzecz kogoś"(in favour of sb) ocorre em conjuntos:

Legal English (general vocabulary) - part 3
angielski kolos 2 medyn

2. in favour of

I'm in favour of your proposal.
he stepped down as leader in favour of his rival
Europe must speak clearly with one voice, and loudly in favour of firm measures.
My friend unlike me is in favour of current government.
Everybody in favour of this idea, please raise your hands so I can count them.
I voted in favour of the report. I am in favour of such an agreement

Inglês palavra "na rzecz kogoś"(in favour of) ocorre em conjuntos:

kserówka (8str)

3. in aid of

We collected some donation in aid of homeless children.

4. in aid of something

Inglês palavra "na rzecz kogoś"(in aid of something) ocorre em conjuntos:


5. in aid of sb

Inglês palavra "na rzecz kogoś"(in aid of sb) ocorre em conjuntos:

Czlowiek, emocje