teddy bear
The little girl cuddled her teddy bear.
It`s a teddy bear.
The bear left no stone unturned in his search for fat bugs under the rocks.
polar bear
Appointing Cuddles the Bear to the position of Secretary of Defense was one of the defining mistakes of Dolly's brief career as president of the People's Democratic Republic of Tea Time.
In the fourth place, even if we succeeded in carrying off the bear cubs, we could not run up a mountain without stopping to rest.
As long as a bear is relatively inactive, and is not exposed to wind, it does not burn excessive energy in cold weather.
The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well. He couldn't bear to see the dog in pain. I can't bear being bored.
In fact, to move at any speed the polar bear uses twice as much energy as do most other mammals.
It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody’s beard.
He who seeketh horse or wife without flaws, may forsake his work and bear in mind that bed and stable forever empty he will keep.
The weight of the world is a dangerous thing to try to bear. Take only a small fraction, and the rest of it will soon follow - crushing you.
But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.
It's gonna rain. Bears fly low. / Who's that bear you've brought with you?
bear {rzecz.} niedźwiedź, miś, misiek | to bear {czas.} znieść, urodzić, znosić, nosić, donieść ciążę, cierpieć, ścierpieć stanowić podporę
To survive, the polar bear must keep its body at the right temperature and store enough energy to last between meals that could be a few days or a few months apart.
By the way, this week - no matter what flags are set - it's a certainty that there will be no ecchi scenes. You'll just have to bear with it a while.
incorrectly od badly
Inglês palavra "mis"(incorrectly od badly) ocorre em conjuntos:
test Angielski4.
do badly
I usually do badly with stress.
do badly in an exam
If you do badly will you lose your job?
The letter was wrongly addressed.
I'm afraid I have addressed the parcel wrongly.
You were wrongly informed. (przed imiesłowem / czasownikiem)
On the other hand, when public officials act wrongly, Americans feel a responsibility to protest.
Her name was wrongly spelled.
Having been wrongly addressed, the letter never reached him.
If it is wrongly used, the medicine will be a poison.
I miss you.
What if I miss the deadline? "I bet he will get mad at you!"
If this train is delayed, we shall miss our connection at Kobe.
The only person who is tired of waiting for Miss Cobb.
Miss, that dress is splendid, it has a sheer silhouette and is very classy.
Mr Yamada, may I introduce Miss Lloyd?
Miss Tanaka! You are living with gentlemen house mates! Please refrain from being pantless!
The Miss Universe contestant tripped on her gown but got up again gracefully and continued down the runway.
We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success.
The head of the college, whose name was Miss Baker, therefore had a special place in the car park for her own small car.
Happy birthday, Miss Aiba!
Having been in America for many years, Miss Tanaka is a very good speaker of English.
As the young man's car was close to the fence, Miss Baker had to drive up beside it on the other side, where the girl was sitting.
Does your father miss working now that he has retired?
She felt miserable.
1. She's miserable living on her own. 2. Miserable weather. / What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such awful conditions? / 3. The book was a miserable failure.
but most mohandas's work was in Ollivant's court and he felt miserable and helpless
So long as men worship the Caesars and Napoleons, Caesars and Napoleons will duly rise and make them miserable.
She was looking miserable sitting in the middle of this snowstorm, so I threw a small coin at her.
It's absolutely miserable outside; cold, wet rain is no good for drinking beer on the plaza with your friends.
Those who have given themselves the most concern about the happiness of people have made their friends very miserable.
I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.
miserable weather; When I'm feeling miserable I go shopping and spoil myself - a couple of new dresses always make me feel better.
The definition of miserable is someone or something that is unhappy, suffering or in a condition of misery, or something that is bad or inferior.
Let's face it – travelling by car or by public transport can be really miserable!
You are miserable coz you don't have money but you have something you can't buy- a family. Appreciate this.
"I don't want to make him miserable, I want to put him on his guard!" retorted Mr. Weasley.
Tom burned himself badly when he took the pie pan out of the oven without using an oven mitt.
If it's badly insulated, it won't warm up regardless of how much heating you use.
This composition is so badly written than I can not make out what he means.
Although he was born in England, he speaks English very badly.
badly cooked
Thanks to you getting him badly injured, all of that kid's summer plans came to nothing!
Oh yeah? Wanna play this game? Don't get me started or it could all end up badly.
The badly decomposed body of a young girl was found on the side of a highway.
The boxing match was completely one-sided, one pug was so badly mauled that his manager had to throw in the sponge.
It seems you and I are essential to this project. We'd better get along or it'll go badly.
Doctor Burns, what should doctors do when a patient's brain is badly damaged?
My dog was run over by a truck. He was not killed, but his foot was badly injured.
Working so long on the graveyard shift made his health suffer badly.
Did you see his work? Would he have wanted to do it badly, he wouldn't have proceeded otherwise.
He is hurt badly and is unconscious; that is, he can't think, speak, or hear.
Foods rich in vitamin E include dark-green, leafy vegetables, beans, nuts and whole-grain cereals.
We are shaped by every culture, drawn from every end of the Earth, and dedicated to a simple concept: E pluribus unum: "Out of many, one."
The new E10 gas contains ten percent bioethanol.
Inglês palavra "mis"(e) ocorre em conjuntos:
Karolina kl. 1/5