dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

konferansjer inglês:

1. compère

Inglês palavra "konferansjer"(compère) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "The Ship of Coral" (H. de Vere...
Fiszki z książki - "The War of Women Volume 1" (Al...
Fiszki z książki - "How Paris Amuses Itself" (F. B...
Fiszki z książki - "Aspects of Literature" (J. Mid...
Fiszki z książki - "The Old and the New Magic" (He...

2. presenter

Inglês palavra "konferansjer"(presenter) ocorre em conjuntos:

Sylwester na Rynku we Wrocławiu 2018. Wrocław Resp...
Zawody - Jobs

3. entertainer

He made good as an entertainer.
An entertainer is really a force to be reckoned with, socially.
Freddie Mercury was a great entertainer.
Michale G. Moore is a fantastic entertainer and a piano player.
The man whose work it is to amuse people who attend a show is an entertainer.

Inglês palavra "konferansjer"(entertainer) ocorre em conjuntos:

Bank wyrazów i wyrażeń Praca
Słowa na E-4

4. announcer

I want to become a TV announcer in the future.
He suddenly started doing an impression of an announcer and we all cracked up.
The radio announcer had a masculine voice.
This child's mother is an announcer.
This is the TV station where my uncle works as an announcer.
Who's your favorite sports announcer?
The announcer can talk rapidly.
The announcer spoke English.
A young radio announcer. a person who announces, one who introduces radio or television programs.
She's a famous weather announcer. The announcer said that the train will arrive shortly.
His ambition was to break into television as an announcer.
This new announcer keeps stumbling.

5. ringmaster

Inglês palavra "konferansjer"(ringmaster) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "Thy Rocks and Rills" (Robert E...
Fiszki z książki - "Rubaiyat of Doc Sifers" (James...
Fiszki z książki - "The Autobiography of a Clown" ...