dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

kiwać głową inglês:

1. nod your head nod your head

Inglês palavra "kiwać głową"(nod your head) ocorre em conjuntos:

gestures, expressions, human voices
42 The body and what it does
New Spark Plus 2 - word list
Lesson - 23.02.2022

2. nod nod

Last night I began to nod off in front of the TV.
She answered with a nod.
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
nod the heat
Everything could be done by a nod and a wink.
Mitch smiled and nodded.
At a nod from his father he left the room.
Mary got the nod from among some 500 applicants.
I bow to the boss in greeting, and he returns my bow with a nod.
She nodded her head sleepily throughout the lecture.
nod - skinienie
The definition of a nod is an up and down movement of the head, usually to show agreement or tiredness.
If you agree with what I said, nod your head in approval.
We would exchange nods and smiles when we saw each other.
The barman nods and asks what he wants. “A pint, please,” the man replies.

Inglês palavra "kiwać głową"(nod) ocorre em conjuntos:

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