dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

jaskrawy intensywny inglês:

1. vivid

Nothing is more vivid than a picture.
Life's experiences make vivid records on the sensitive plate of his mind.
You've got a vivid imagination!
The event still remains vivid in my memory.
The portrayal of... is vivid
I am pleased with this vivid portrait in particular.
With such a vivid imagination he'll become either a world-famous novelist or a lunatic.
The playwright cherishes the vivid memories of his childhood.
The original and the copy are easily distinguished since the one is much more vivid than the other.
The patient's descriptions of her family are vivid, but very cynical.
This information becomes much more vivid
vivid memories, vivid description
What seemed dull and colourless before, seems bright and vivid now.
There is a downside to this: painful and unpleasant memories are as vivid as if they had just occurred.
Dickens' thoughts come across along with the vivid depiction of old London.

2. vibrant

Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations.
Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.
Spaniards are very vibrant, they laugh a lot and party every night.
a vibrant, young performer
Mexico City is a colourful and vibrant city where people live their lives in the street.
Bangkok is a vibrant city.
Buenos Aires is a vibrant city – it’s full of life and energy.
A vibrant city is lively and exciting.
a young, vibrant and dynamic company
It always make me happy when I see these vibrant volunteers working.
She was sixteen, young and vibrant.
She likes wearing clothes vibrant in colours.
The colours were vibrant.
vibrant shade of red
France is a vibrant democracy.