dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

idź do inglês:

1. go for go for

I'll go for chicken.
go for a walk, go for a swim
If you really want the job, go for it.
Parents go for an all private education
I will go for the blue shirt.
I've decided to go for the teaching job.
Which course have you decidet to go for?
We'll go for that if there's a two-thirds majority.
I'm going to go for a degree program.
Let's go for a pizza.
you should go for darker hair
go for darker colours
Do you want to go for coffee later?

Inglês palavra "idź do"(go for) ocorre em conjuntos:

fce 27-04-17 1
U 8A - What to do?
Expressing interest

2. go round to

Inglês palavra "idź do"(go round to) ocorre em conjuntos:

ale pyta nikt jej nie lubi no i elo
05 słownik tematyczny
zycie towarzyskie

3. Go to

go to the cinema
What university did you go to?. They went to great expense to send her to a private school. I went to a lot of trouble to get it for her

Inglês palavra "idź do"(Go to) ocorre em conjuntos:

położenie, ruch, przemieszczanie