dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

handel detaliczny inglês:

1. retail trade retail trade

Does He have any experience in the retail trade?

Inglês palavra "handel detaliczny"(retail trade) ocorre em conjuntos:

Express Publishing Matura Repetytorium P. Rozszerz...
The choice of right profession, a successful inter...
Work - matura rozszerzona
Vocalbulary Bank 4 - work
Family & Social life & Work

2. retail retail

The retail price index is a barometer of economic activity.
The eBee retails for more than $10,000.
I started in retail.
The Commerce Department reports retail sales rose seven-tenths of 1 percent last month mainly thanks to strong auto sales.
The small retail outlet is only a front for a much larger entity.
by retail
We should improve the profitability of our retail outlet.
a manager with twenty years’ experience in the retail business
We need to focus on a retail right now.
What's the definition of retail?
The 27 national mini-matkets must be combined to constitute the largest retail market in the world.
While construction spending has risen, there has been a sharp downturn in retail sales.
I'd really like to get a job in retail.
The wholesale price of food is sometimes even 50 per cent lower than retail.
A retail merchant buys wholesale and sells retail.

Inglês palavra "handel detaliczny"(retail) ocorre em conjuntos:

British Council Ready to Work
słownictwo z ang unit 8
Wardrobing (breakingnewsenglish.com)
22-30102018 słówka
angielski dzial 4

3. retailing retailing

In addition, my university course in Customer Relationnship Management has given me a strong interest in retailing.

Inglês palavra "handel detaliczny"(retailing) ocorre em conjuntos:

work and qualifications 2
The Business 1 (2017/18)
pierwsza kartkówka, biskup
słuchanie transkrypty
Companies ok

4. retail industry retail industry

Inglês palavra "handel detaliczny"(retail industry) ocorre em conjuntos:

Angielski zaliczenie rok II