dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

choroba umysłowa inglês:

1. mental illness mental illness

What we call mental illness isn't always just an illness.

Inglês palavra "choroba umysłowa"(mental illness) ocorre em conjuntos:

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2. insanity insanity

it would be insanity to expand the business at the moment
The insanity of the situation made him laugh.
Genius is only one remove from insanity.
I don't suffer from insanity - I enjoy it!
But he who knows what insanity is, is sane; whereas insanity can no more be sensible of its own existence, than blindness can see itself.
I doubt if a single individual could be found from the whole of mankind free from some form of insanity. The only difference is one of degree.

Inglês palavra "choroba umysłowa"(insanity) ocorre em conjuntos:

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