dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

celownik inglês:

1. hindsight hindsight

With hindsight, I should have taken the job
In hindsight, it would have been better to wait.
In hindsight, maybe you shouldn't have told that part of the story.
He didn't have the luxury of hindsight.
With hindsight, we can clearly see what our mistakes were.
With hindsight I don’t regret my decisions
And I’m not certain in hindsight that some of the statements we made, some of the steps we took were all that well measured.
That's hindsight.
With 20/20 hindsight, he could tell why they lost the game.
The general had 20/20 hindsight about the defeat, but no foresight at all.

Inglês palavra "celownik"(hindsight) ocorre em conjuntos:

Miscellaneous Words and Phrases - Part 8
Deep Learning, NLP, and Representations - colah's ...
Angielski słówka Ania - 16
Taylor 1989, Rep I
icon and iconoclast

2. dative

Dative is the death of genitive.
When writing for a German newspaper, every few sentences you should replace some grammatical case with a dative, or a noun with its English translation, to make your article linguistically more interesting.

Inglês palavra "celownik"(dative) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fiszki z książki - "Fritiofs Saga" (Esaias Tegner)
Fiszki z książki - "The Iliad of Homer (1873)" (Ho...
Fiszki z książki - "Eutropius" (Flavius Eutropius)
Fiszki z książki - "Surnames as a Science" (Robert...
Fiszki z książki - "Betty Lee, Freshman" (Harriet ...

3. sight

Land came in sight.
Is there any end in sight to the deepening economic crisis?
Men in kimonos are no longer a common sight in Tokyo.
Sight is one of the five senses.
It must have been a frightening sight for them to watch.
As we went around the corner, the lake came in sight.
A magnificent sight presented itself before us.
There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist, except an old optimist.
The sight was too miserable to look at.
Gentlemen, at the beginning of this century, France was for all nations a magnificent sight.
To his surprise, she was nowhere in sight, and he wondered if she had returned home alone.
The sight memory organ is below the hypothalamus.
I took care to make the letters large and be generous with character and line spacing in order for it to be easy to read for the elderly and those who have problems with their sight.
You'll have to pay a damn sight more than that for it.

Inglês palavra "celownik"(sight) ocorre em conjuntos:

Basia słówka wojskowe
Geodezja cz.2

4. gunpoint

Not even at gunpoint will Imogen of the Internet admit she only learned CSS to spruce up her Myspace profile in the 2000s.
They held us all hostage at-at gunpoint.