dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

bezradny inglês:

1. helpless helpless

Without him, I would be helpless.
Tom felt completely helpless.
He would have been helpless without you
You ​feel so helpless because there's nothing you can do to make the ​child ​feel better.
But for the moment I was helpless to do anything.
The government is helpless
He felt very helpless after she had gone.
but most mohandas's work was in Ollivant's court and he felt miserable and helpless
The child is helpless in his rage.
How lonely and helpless she must feel left all by herself!

Inglês palavra "bezradny"(helpless) ocorre em conjuntos:

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2. clueless

She's rather clueless.
It's unlikely she's as clueless as you think.
My mom is clueless about my drinking on weekends.
Most ​people are ​completely clueless about ​tide ​directions and ​weather ​conditions.
He tried to fix the engine, but he is completely clueless about car repairs.
I can't believe you're so clueless. You're like a babe in the woods.

Inglês palavra "bezradny"(clueless) ocorre em conjuntos:

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3. vulnerable

A bite might kill you – or make you vulnerable to attack from other animals.
vulnerable to
Baby animals are as vulnerable as human children. They need constant help.
Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.
The security company says this is the most vulnerable point.
a leader may try to crush a competitor by subsidizing lower prices for a vulnerable product with revenue from its more profitable products
Children living in slums and shantytowns are the most disadvantaged and vulnerable.
Although people of all ages are at risk to chemical exposure, children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable.
I never felt so low when I was vulnerable.
Do you want to take home this vulnerable puppies?
When I gave him the money, he looked so vulnerable, like a little boy.
vulnerable = someone exposed to harm who can't defend themselves
The definition of vulnerable is easily hurt or delicate. This little chick is very vulnerable.
I feel very vulnerable since losing my best friend / If you don't eat properly, you may become more vulnerable to disease
The talented young chess player is very bold. He deliberately lays himself open to attack, makes himself vulnerable and then checkmates his opponent when least expected.