dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

Powiązany inglês:

1. Associated

I have been associated with him for ten years.
The iris deeply associated with the Boys' Festival does not have a beautiful flower.
These foods are associated with ethnic groups.
it is associated with...
That's a picture of a monkey associated with the Year of the Monkey.
I've never associated you with this place.
Divorce tends to be associated with a negative image.
We were associated in the enterprise.
Hutongs are a type of narrow street, most commonly associated with Beijing, China.
They always associated a heavy rain with flood.
Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.
I'm proud to be associated with you
The other 50% associated the word with something seedy.
Everyone associated with your target is a weak point.
And this is the region most closely associated with desertification.

Inglês palavra "Powiązany"(Associated) ocorre em conjuntos:

The geological methane budget at continental margi...
wazne slownictwo ang
Dacka angielski

2. Related

It is said that global warming is directly related to carbon dioxide emissions.
Are you related?
On a fundamental level, the 12 forms of the Chinese zodiac are related to animal worship.
I have one final piece of advice related to handshakes: Remember to smile.
You can study IP related material during work hours when you have time to spare.
He repeatedly checked the mountain of related documents.
Budget items that received priority are education, social security and other fields that are closely related to people's lives.
Computer, delete Medical Consultant Program and all related files.
and there's strong evidence that THC is related to psychosis
Among the Internet sites that publish information on education related businesses are those given below.
The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.
The former Italian currency was the lira and its symbol was "₤". It's not related to the Turkish lira.
He related to his wife something interesting about his employer.

Inglês palavra "Powiązany"(Related) ocorre em conjuntos:

Don't Sweat the small stuff at work
Słówka od Kreta