dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

Biuro podróży inglês:

1. travel agency travel agency

This travel agency always organizes our trips.
Which travel agency would you recommend?
Can you suggest me a travel agency?
The travel agency arranged our trip to Australia via India.
Then they go to a travel agency and look over brochures and catalogues.
We booked our holiday through a travel agency.
She went to the travel agency to pick up her plane ticket.
I went to the travel agency, because I wanted to buy a trip to Irealand.
She went to the travel agency to pick up her plane ticket. (Ona poszła do biura podróży, żeby odebrać swój bilet na samolot.)
This travel agency has a lot of travelling spots. Let’s check it out!
travel agent at a travel agency

Inglês palavra "Biuro podróży"(travel agency) ocorre em conjuntos:

biuro, budynki, cechy, cialo, czas, czasowniki
accomodation + sightseeing
biuro, budynki, miasto, kierunki
Podróżowanie i turystyka
Podróżowanie i turystyka

2. Travel agent Travel agent

I phoned the travel agent and asked her to make a reservation for us.
Contact a travel agent about times and costs.
A good travel agent will find you the best rooms at the best prices in the area where you want to go.
She's a travel agent.
I always dreamed of being a travel agent. I thought I will travel around the world and not sitting in the office.

Inglês palavra "Biuro podróży"(Travel agent) ocorre em conjuntos:

Słownictwo dział PRACA
Podróżowanie i turystyka
zakupy i uslugi
Słownictwo 6

3. booking agent booking agent

Inglês palavra "Biuro podróży"(booking agent) ocorre em conjuntos:

Angieski zawowody 1-3
Angielski zawodowy