dicionário polonês - Inglês Americano

język polski - American English

wybrać ?:

1. choose chose chosen

Inglês americano palavra "wybrać"(choose chose chosen) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielski nieregularne part 1
czasowniki nieregularne 1
czasowniki nieregularne 2
czasowniki część 1
irregular verbs

2. pick out

Anyway, I helped Henry pick out the suit at Barney's in New York. / Bobbie has bright red hair, so she’s easy to pick out from a crowd. / The victim couldn't pick out her attacker from the photos the police showed her.

Inglês americano palavra "wybrać"(pick out) ocorre em conjuntos:

phrasal verbs

3. choose

Inglês americano palavra "wybrać"(choose) ocorre em conjuntos:

UNIT 10 Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Student's Book