dicionário luxemburguês - Inglês

Lëtzebuergesch - English

eenzel inglês:

1. some

We bought some fruits.
It would be presumptuous to call myself his replacement, but I could offer some guidance.
What are some high cholesterol foods that you can easily avoid eating?
I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker.
As a prank, some students let three goats loose inside their school after painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the sides of the goats. The teachers spent most of the day looking for goat number 3.
Some students neglect their studies in favor of sports.
Some Italian fashion designers are saying that white bathing suits will catch on this year.
While some private and church schools in America have uniforms, they are not common.
Some non-native speakers think they speak the language better than native speakers.
Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping.
Though I mainly work as a studio musician, I do a little busking to make some extra money.
The police conducted an offensive against some drug dealers.
My love for you won't let me tell you everything. Some things are better left unsaid.
In order to get some information about Japanese economic problems, you'll find this book very useful.
Every person has a psychological need to feel that what he does is of some importance.

Inglês palavra "eenzel"(some) ocorre em conjuntos:

Conjunctions - Konjunktiounen

2. individual

Each individual is different.
When you rely on the team too much, it may reduce your individual competitive instincts.
In brief, if the individual accepts the values of democracy, he must also accept the responsibilities of democracy.
A man lives not only his personal life, as an individual, but also, consciously or unconsciously, the life of his epoch and his contemporaries.
The rate of increase in households is higher for apartment houses than for individual houses.
Each individual has a right to be treated with respect. (Każdy człowiek ma prawo być traktowany z szacunkiem
Those individual members of the class do not want to be held back by others not so good at math.
In linguistics, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there are certain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language.
Language is unique in that any statement must start out as the creation of an individual mind.
An individual with an annual income of more than 15 million yen is required to file his or her final tax return in March.
Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.
I think style or genre are less important factors in making us like music than the individual artists skills in arrangement and playing of the instrument.
You get to see the wood only when it becomes too difficult to distinguish individual trees.
I doubt if a single individual could be found from the whole of mankind free from some form of insanity. The only difference is one of degree.

Inglês palavra "eenzel"(individual) ocorre em conjuntos:

Adjectives and adverbs 200 - 250 - Adjektiven an A...