dicionário Kazakh - Inglês

Қазақша - English

хабарламалар inglês:

1. messages messages

We often use gestures to convey simple messages.
I never answer email messages from people I don't know.
When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.
Are there any messages for me?
You need to stop ignoring email messages from Tom.
Tom had the annoying habit of hardly ever answering email messages.
Computers are used to send messages by e-mail.
English studies on the use of cell phones by young people show truly worrying situations, in which a person between the ages of six and twenty sends an average of twenty nine messages, receives fifteen, and makes nine calls each day.
These quotations were effective in sending complex messages to his friends, because, in his day, people could quote from such authors with every expectation of being understood.
Flashing lights transmit messages between ships and to motorists along city streets.
Have I any letters or messages?
These messages have to be read between the lines.
With the development of networks a huge and unprecedented volume of messages flies around the world.
I'm sorry, I have to answer messages.
Today, through radio and television, mass advertising can reach millions of people at a time with its messages.