dicionário espanhol - Inglês

español - English

conceder inglês:

1. vouchsafe

Inglês palavra "conceder"(vouchsafe) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fichas del libro - "Phaedra" (Jean Baptiste Racine)
Fichas del libro - "Prayers of the Early Church" (...
Fichas del libro - "Shakspeare's Mental Photograph...
Fichas del libro - "Sir P.S.: His Astrophel and St...
Fichas del libro - "Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826 ...

2. to grant

He persuaded a bishop to grant him his divorce.

Inglês palavra "conceder"(to grant) ocorre em conjuntos:

500 most important Spanish verbs 376 - 400

3. concede

She is very stubborn, she will never concede.
The accountant would not concede the mistake.
The Prime Minister conceded that he had underestimated public discontent.
I concede that you were partly right
The first thing you must concede, however, is that your son can take care of himself.
Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, as at this.
i concede
He concedes that road design can only do so much.
1. Even the company chairman concedes that the results are disappointing. 2. Don't even try to convince her, she won't concede.
Don't even try to convince her, she won't concede.
We must concede that we committed an error.
We concede your right to this property.
I concede the argument.

Inglês palavra "conceder"(concede) ocorre em conjuntos:

Fichas del libro - "Man of Distinction" (Michael S...
Fichas del libro - "Eve's Diary, Part 3" (Mark Twa...