dicionário Inglês - polonês

English - język polski

drop out of college polaco:

1. rzucić studia rzucić studia

Polonês palavra "drop out of college"(rzucić studia) ocorre em conjuntos:

Phrasal verbs three - words verbs 3.18 - 3.20
speaking, writing, english in use
speaking writing english in use
matura explorer up 5
matura explorer module 5

2. porzucać studia porzucać studia

Polonês palavra "drop out of college"(porzucać studia) ocorre em conjuntos:

angielski słówka
kartk29.11 Apple
nice to meet you

3. rzucić college rzucić college

4. porzucić szkołę porzucić szkołę

Polonês palavra "drop out of college"(porzucić szkołę) ocorre em conjuntos:

Vision 4 unit 4

5. rzucić koledż rzucić koledż

6. porzucić szkole porzucić szkole