dicionário grego - Inglês

ελληνικά - English

σύντομα inglês:

1. soon

Get well soon!
If we don't hit the road soon, we'll get caught in the morning rush hour traffic.
Unless it rains in Ethiopia soon, there could be severe drought problems.
I didn't like rock music at first, but it soon grew on me.
The new station building is under construction and will be completed soon.
The president was quoted as saying he would like to visit Japan soon.
New soldiers would soon take the place of those lost in battle.
I hear their marriage is on the rocks and they'll probably file for divorce soon.
The news that the school had been burned down soon spread though the town.
I love trying out new things, so I always buy products as soon as they hit the store shelves. Of course, half the time I end up wishing I hadn't.
I started last in the race, but I soon caught up with the others.
Soon I found myself wanting to meet him and talk to him.
Marcy burst into tears on hearing the news, but soon pulled herself together.
All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died.
Should anyone call on me in my absence, tell him that I will be back soon.

2. promptly

He promptly coped with the situation.
I was surprised at her inability to do things promptly.
Would you please replace the broken one promptly?
I'll call a repairman I know who'll be at your house to fix the washing machine promptly.
The aeroplane to Dunedin left the aerodrome promptly at eight in the morning.
Why? Because Terry Tate always replied promptly, that's why.
Certainly she wouldn't have dreamt that I would get up promptly without grumbling.
Please make your reservations promptly.
In the case of not agreeing to the conditions of the usage consent contract, promptly return the unopened media package to ABC for a full refund.
Any doubts about the validity of this argument are promptly forgotten once we see the data.
We drop off our luggage in a small prefab hut and promptly start preparations.
Medical help arrives promptly after an accident.
I want you to somehow resolve the situation as promptly and avoiding to cause trouble for my sister and those around us as much as possible.

Inglês palavra "σύντομα"(promptly) ocorre em conjuntos:

Notes 10/07/2018