dicionário alemão - Inglês

Deutsch - English

Standort inglês:

1. site

building site
This site contains sexually explicit material and is intended solely for adults only!
Tatoeba: Big Brother would cry if he ever saw our site.
Mum, a mere woman surrounded by men, works in a construction company as a site foreman.
The anthropologist is piecing together pottery shards she unearthed at the excavation site.
This cemetery even has its own site, and there is a page “News” on it! Can you fancy news from the graveyard?!
60,000 lucky number request: I got a request to draw an illustration for the site of Beikyu, who hit the lucky number, "Standing By A Little Maple Tree".
You can get further details of our products from our internet site, http://www.jpgarden.com.
I wonder if there would be so many Japanese translations on this site if it were called "Por Ejemplo."
Gambling site lets users bet on which species will go extinct because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Spirits are to be found all over the world. This school was built upon the site of a shrine and thus there is a particular tendency for them to gather.
Our Web site, http://www.example.com will tell you all you need to know.
Rescue workers knew where the plane crashed but that they hadn't been able to reach the site.
Does ALC's web site include an archive of English expressions?
Reproduction or appropriation of HTML, images and photographs from within this site is prohibited.

2. Location

The location has changed.
How much more does it cost to return the rental car to another location?
Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive.
A bookstore in that location wouldn't make enough money to survive.
Use your precise address to describe your business location.
I would appreciate it if you could reserve a room at a convenient location for visiting your office.
Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location?
That place's food is great, and their prices are good, but the fly in the ointment is their terrible location.
'Fox's wedding'. "Er ...?" "Today, with an 81 percent likelihood, it will be clear skies but, depending on location, there will be sun showers."
However, the amount of wind available varies with the location and the season of the year.
I like this flat. The location is good, and besides, rent is not very high.
The central location gives easy access to stores and offices.
It is generally assumed that fundamental constants such as c have the same value throughout spacetime, meaning that they do not depend on location and do not vary with time.
Location check: The parties involved themselves or their attendants should look over the place for the miai meeting in advance.
The location of our new house is beautiful because it’s near the beach.