dicionário búlgaro - Inglês

български език - English

изтъквам inglês:

1. point out

When we want to tell somebody something or inform them of something, usually something we think they don’t know we will use point out. I want to point out that I have also been on time every day without exception.
I would like to point out how important she is to us.
as pointed out in / to point out a mistake
She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.
I am therefore entitled to point out the weaknesses.
That is why I would like to point out that the single market is now in danger.
Particulary, this procedure describes alogical model to point out activities and...
Particulary, this procedure describes a logical model to point out activities
I would like to point out a couple of areas that were particularly important to us.
He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
I need to point out voices carry.
I would like to point out how important... /point out couple of areas...
Opponents of censorship point out that television programmes are already regulated.

2. I point out

3. pinpoint

Speculation about the train reached fever pitch on Friday after Poland's deputy minister of culture Piotr Żuchowski said he was '99 percent' sure that an armoured train had been pinpointed, thanks to ground penetrating radar
We’ve been unable to pinpoint the source of the problem.
Let's pinpoint it.