Collocations with the verb "to keep"

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questão resposta
tenere nascosto
Kate ha tenuto nascosta la notizia sul suo divorzio per molto tempo.
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keep something quiet
Kate has kept the news about her divorce quiet for a long time.
conservare la [propria] dignità
È difficile per i pazienti negli ospedali polacchi mantenere la propria dignità.
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keep one's dignity
It's difficult for patients in polish hospitals to keep their dignity.
mantenere le distanze
Dopo un anno continua ancora a mantenere le distanze da me.
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keep one's distance
After a year he still kept his distance from me.
tenere caldo
Non so cosa indossare per tenermi caldo in una giornata tanto fredda.
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keep warm
I don't know what to wear to keep warm on such a cold day.
tenere viva la fiamma
Non è facile tenere viva la fiamma quando parlo con lui, è un uomo di poche parole.
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keep the ball rolling
It's not easy to keep the ball rolling when talking to him, he's man of few words.
mantenersi in equilibrio
Un bambino stava camminando sul bordo e provava a tenersi in equilibrio.
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keep one's balance
A child was walking along the kerb and trying to keep its balance.
restare vigile
La madre di John è restata vigile tutta la notte poiché lui aveva la febbre alta.
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keep vigil
John's mum was keeping vigil the whole night because he had a high fever.
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