Car - Auto

 0    37 fiche    VocApp
questão resposta
Does this road lead to the city?
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Viekö tämä tie kaupunkiin?
I would like a gas car.
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Haluaisin bensiiniauton.
steering wheel
Don't let go of the steering wheel!
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ohjauspyörä, ratti
Älä päästä irti ratista!
You can buy the ticket from the driver.
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kuljettaja, kuski
Voit ostaa lipun kuljettajalta.
small car
I would like to rent a small car.
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pieni auto
Haluaisin vuokrata pienen auton.
to fill up the car
Fill up the tank, please!
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tankata auto
Tankkaa auto!
I got a parking ticket.
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Sain parkkisakon.
+30 fiche
A aula faz parte do curso
"Finnish for travelling "
(no total 409 fiche)

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