CAE 351 - 375

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questão resposta
Tina è una ragazza davvero autonoma. Non chiede mai soldi ai suoi genitori e si prende cura di sé.
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Tina is a very self-reliant young girl. She never asks her parents for money, and she can take care of herself.
L'azienda era rispettabile, quindi Peter si sentiva tranquillo nel fare affari con loro.
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The company was very reputable, so Peter felt safe doing business with them.
Cinque uomini furono arrestati per il furto, ma la polizia voleva sapere chi era il capobanda.
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Five men were arrested in relation to the robbery, but the police wanted to know which one of them was the ringleader.
Gary trovava il suo lavoro da volontario molto gratificante. Aiutare le persone lo faceva stare bene.
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Gary found his volunteer work very rewarding. It felt good to help people.
La famiglia scalò la collina fino in cima e camminarono lungo la cresta.
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The family climbed up the hill and then walked along the ridge.
fremere dalla rabbia
Roger stava fremendo dalla rabbia dopo il suo litigio con Gretchen.
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to seethe
Roger was seething after the argument he had with Gretchen.
Greg ha messo le mele sulla bilancia per pesarle.
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Greg put the apples on the scale to weigh them.
+18 fiche
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