At the hairdressing salon - A la perruqueria

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Do you want it styled straight or wavy?
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Voleu que tingués un estil recte o ondulat?
You should brush your hair gently to avoid damaging it.
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Heu de raspallar-vos els cabells suaument per evitar danyar-lo.
We have cosmetology services as well.
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També disposem de serveis de cosmetologia.
How short would you like it?
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Què tan baix us agradaria?
Can I make an appointment for a haircut today?
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Puc acordar una cita per a un tall de cabells avui?
What do you want me to do to your hair today?
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Què vols fer-te al cabell avui?
I would like a new style, maybe some highlights.
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M'agradaria un estil nou, potser alguns aspectes més destacats.
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