Ar draugiem - With a friend

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questão resposta
Neesmu pārliecināta, ka varēšu tevi satikt.
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I'm not sure I can see you.
Cik ilgs laiks pagājis?
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How long has it been?
Es vienmēr atceros ballīti, kuru mēs apmeklējām.
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I always remember the party we went to.
Mums jāsatiekas vietā, kur pirmo reizi tikāmies.
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We must meet at the same place where we first met.
Kā iet ģimenei?
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How is your family?
Ģimenei ir viss kārtībā.
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The whole family is fine.
Vai tu strādā tajā pašā vietā?
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Are you working in the same place?
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