500 najdôležitejších slovies 151 - 200

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questão resposta
Vyskoč najvyššie ako dokážeš.
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to jump
Jump as high as you can.
Pozorujeme správanie veľryby.
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to observe
We're observing the behaviour of the whale.
Obdržal si tie dokumenty?
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to receive
Did you receive the documents?
Benzínom nemôžeš uhasiť oheň.
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to put out
You can't put out the fire with gasoline!
Ako o tom môžeš pochybovať?
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to doubt
How can you doubt that?
rozviezť sa
Verím, že moji rodičia sa nikdy nerozvedú.
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to get divorced
I believe my parents will never get divorced.
Nemáš poňatie ako veľmi po tebe túžim.
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to desire
You have no idea how much I desire you.
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